Jan 30th Kick off day Toscana Open

In a world where sources of innovation are increasingly dispersed, companies need to renew their competitive advantage by getting access to competences and ideas that are generated outside their offices and R&D centers!

Toscana Open starts from this idea, the pivotal concept for any Open Innovation strategy. Together with our friends of Confindustria Toscana & Giovani Imprenditori, Andrea Piccaluga and I have developed a series of talks to go beyond a buzzword that rages through management practices.

On January 30th in the beautiful setting of Palazzo Incontri, kindly made available by Banca CR Firenze, we discussed about open innovation with  Leonardo Bassilichi (DG Bassilichi), Fabrizio Bernini (Founder of Zucchetti), Luca Granata (DG Melinda), Claudio Loccioni (VP Loccioni Humancare), Marco Mantovani (CEO of Locman), Maurizio Rossi (Co-Founder of H-Farm)
… and my friend GG Gellini, President of Confindustria Toscana Giovani Imprenditori as well as part of the senior management of Gellini.