Alberto is presenting a paper on Ansaldo Energia. Together with a group of scholars from Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Ansaldo developed an interactive tool to engage key customers the innovation practice of the company. Take a Look at the Presentation Working across corporate boundaries to co-develop products and customer solutions is becoming a critical aspect of product and service development in a wide range of industries. By and large, three key sets of practices need consideration when it comes to collaborative creation and development: strategy, which includes development chain design and partner selection and management; execution, which includes governance, metrics, teams, and processes; and infrastructure, which includes the ICT systems that enable effective co-development. Indeed, recent ICT advances have paved the way for companies to interact with external stakeholders, especially users, in more efficient and effective ways. Reasoning around the case of Ansaldo Energia, an Italian company that is a world leading producer of thermoelectric power plants, we will provide some insights on how companies can push their inventive and innovative frontiers further on, starting collaborations in which potentially customers drive innovation.
Alberto presenting a paper on Ansaldo Energia in Harvard