The final act of Master MAINS A.Y. 2011/12 is taking place at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna.
Having completed their internship period 18 students, are back today in Aula Magna and present the result of their work in front of the faculty, academic and corporate advisors.
Companies represented: Ansaldo Energia, CDC Point, Coop Italia, ENEL, Esaote, Finmeccanica, Hitachi Data System, IBM Italia, Intesa Sanpaolo, Selex-Elsag, SIA, Telecom Italia, Telespazio, Univergomma.

Amelia Morricone, one of the best students from A.Y. 2011/12 delivers her presentation on the process innovations taking place at Ansaldo Energia.
Topics covered: business model planning, e-commerce, innovation & business development, smart mobility, corporate transition, evolution in payment systems, B2B customer management, new product development, ICT to support business processes, R&D project evaluation.
Sitting here in the audience and listening to the presentations gives me an idea of what my students last year got out of classwork and innovation labs, but also it is a nice opportunity to understand what are the topics of interest of partner companies.
Master MAINS is indeed a program that is characterized by significant interaction between faculty, students with partner companies. I am always impressed to notice how managers are deeply committed to help us develop new material, case studies and work on internship.
This year I was the academic advisor for Francesco Cusmai, who worked with Michele Palermo to codify the new product/service development process in Telecom Italia. Francesco’s work, which was based on a presentation Michele Palermo delivered during my course, could indeed be the starting point of a nice case study.
At the end of (a very long) day, we will award the diplomas as well as the magna cum laude to the best students of the 2011/12 edition.