The campaign to look for the Italian Dreamteam (i.e. the 10 entrepreneurial teams that will challenge their European colleagues during Round 2), has officially started on november the 30th in Bari. With the support of Intel Italia, Alberto Di Minin, Country Associate for Intel Business Challenge in Italy, was present at the finals of the PNI (Premio Nazionale Innovazione) the most important university-startup competition in Italy.
Intel was one of the sponsor of the initiative and a special award was assigned to four different teams:
- WIB: Warehouse in a Box, from the University of Palermo
- SEM+: Developed at the Pontedera joint Sant’Anna/IIT Labs
- Stem Sel: Emilia Romagna, Life Sciences sector
- IRC: Intelligent Remote Controller from the University of Calabria.
These entrepreneurial teams will have the opportunity to take part to a power launch in Milan with Marcos Battisti, Managing Director of Intel Capital , to present their ideas and get the feedbacks directly from the person running the European and Israeli operations of one of the largest industrial venturing companies in the world. The opportunity of a lifetime!
Also: these four teams will be directly admitted to Round 2 of the competition and are therefore already a step closer to the European finals!
Alberto Di Minin told the webTV of the competition that “Last year we experienced a huge increase of applications from Italy. Still, no Italian team made it to Berkeley, and this was a big disappointment for us. This is why we are focussing on quality this year! We invite every student in Italy to apply. But we also want to see very nicely written abstracts: I am putting together a severe jury to help me select the best of what Research in Italy has to offer. We will really try to take to Round 2 a very strong team!”
Submissions for the first round of selections for the European Round of the Intel Business Challenge 2013 starts in these days, and teams will have the opportunity to submit their application online till February the 22nd.

The long and competitive process which will take the best European projects to present in front some of the main investors in Silicon Valley