Dear all, I am delighted to share more information about our ArtIST “Il Bello” Pisa Summer School to take place in Pisa on 12-17 September 2022.

The official logo of our Erasmus+ Project (Credits ArtIST Team)
We are glad to invite you to our Summer School, to take place in Pisa, at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies headquarters! The Summer School will be focused on the connections and contamination between entrepreneurship, arts and innovation.
The Pisa event will be the fourth Winter/Summer/Spring School of our project, after the exciting experiences we had in Vienna (held digitally due to the pandemic), Miskolc (Hungary) and Paris.
Our goal will be to bring students to the center of beautiful Tuscany, in one of the most famous Italian cities, renowned for its architectural and landscape wonders, visited every year by millions of people.
Every day we will try to convey to our students the passion for beauty, but also the skills necessary to transform something beautiful and precious into something useful, productive and that can be desired by consumers and foster entrepreneurial ideas and activities.
In this way, the art and beauties of Pisa will be functional to the mission of our project.

The official flyer of the event (Credits ArtIST Team)
The program will include lectures by members of our ArtIST Team, Sant’Anna School Professors and external guests, but also numerous thematic and practical workshops and guided visits to cultural and artistic realities that are renowned in Italy for their ability to create “products” that combine beauty, culture and innovation.
Some of the best professors in the field of Arts management and innovation will be involved in our Summer School. On the first day, after the welcoming greetings by the Director of the Institute of Management of Sant’Anna, Professor Andrea Piccaluga, and Alessandra Nardini from Tuscany Region, I will have the chance to meet with the participants with a lecture titled “Il Bello across innovation and entrepreneurship. Setting the framework for the ArtIST Summer School “.
On the same day, Professor Nicola Bellini (Sant’Anna School, Italy), a renowned international expert of tourism management, will have the chance to discuss the role of “Innovation technologies applied to Italian Opera houses” and his passion for the opera music.
On Tuesday, Professor Marcello Carrozzino (Sant’Anna School, Italy) will give a lecture on “The application of new technologies to cultural experiences”, with a focus on new technologies applied to arts to improve the experience of visitors and to create new ways of interaction with beauty and the artistic entrepreneurial product.
On the other day of the Summer School, Professors Monika Petraite ((Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania), Daria Podmetina (LUT University, Finland) and Yvonne Kirkels (Fontys University, the Netherlands) will give a lecture on “Commercialisation il bello via strange making, wrong thinking…. & co-creation”,
Professor Giovanni Schiuma (Università LUM, Italy) will discuss on Thursday the “The power of arts for developing organizations and innovation processes” and his experiences in dealing with the Italian arts management panorama.

The main theater of the Puccini Foundation, organizer of the Puccini Festival in Torre del Lago (credits Fondazione Festival Pucciniano Main Page)
Apart from theoretical lectures, the Summer School will also see the organization of practical workshops that will give students technical and operational skills and insights to be used for making their final presentation on Friday and to win the “Il Bello competition”.
The week will start with a “Photography Workshop” by researcher Yulduz Khairullina (LUT University), then a “Social media workshop” by influencer, researcher and singer Marco Martinelli (Sant’Anna School, Italy), will go on with the “Public speaking workshop” by Marco Bonaglia and Valentina Cucino (Sant’Anna School, Italy), the “Improvisation workshop” by Professor Filippo Chiarello (University of Pisa, Italy) and finally with the “The Art of storytelling workshop” by Norma Rosso (Sant’Anna School, Italy).

San Rossore Park (credits wikipedia)
The visits
The students will visit amazing cultural and artistic realities (representing also successful arts and innovation management case studies) during the week. They will start with the Puccini Festival Foundation in Torre del Lago on Monday, and finish with the Viareggio Carnival Citadel and Museum on Thursday. In both cases, they will learn from managers and listen to real stories of resilience and creativity in the world of arts and beauty, connected with entrepreneurship and innovation.
Here you can find our Schedule (updated on September 7th 2022)
Please check back for updates on the program.
Here you can dowload the SYLLABUS of the Event (updated on September 8th, 2022 —PISA – Syllabus
at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies headquarters (Aula 3)
Arrival and registration in Sant’Anna headquarters
Introduction to the Summer School by head of organizing team, Alberto Di Minin – “Il Bello across innovation and entrepreneurship. Setting the framework for the ArtIST Summer School “
Institutional greetings by Alessandra Nardini
Introduction to the programme of the Week by the ArtIST Team
The ArtIST Programme
The Events of the Week
Group work and final assignment
Student tasks & reflections
Photography Workshop Part 1 by Yulduz Khairullina
Storytelling Workshop by Norma Rosso
Lecture by Nicola Bellini – “Innovation technologies applied to Italian Opera houses”
Light Lunch at Sant’Anna
Meet the Event – Visit to the Puccini Foundation in Torre del Lago (Lucca)
- Meet with the management – The history of the Festival by Director Franco Moretti
- Tour of the Puccini Foundation park
- Visit of House of Puccini
Dance Workshop with Ekaterina Albats
Debriefing Session with the ArtIST Team – “What did the students learn during the day?”
Dinner in Torre del Lago
at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies headquarters (at Aula 3)
Introduction to the day by ArtIST team
Lecture by Marcello Carrozzino – “The application of new technologies to cultural experiences”
Photography Workshop Part 2 by Yulduz Khairullina
Social media Workshop by Marco Martinelli – “How to create multimedia contents and become influencers”
Light Lunch at Sant’Anna
Pisa City Tour
Meet the Museum – Visit of the Museo delle Navi Antiche
Debriefing Session with the ArtIST Team – “What did the students learn during the day?”
Free Time in Pisa
at SAN ROSSORE – Villa Del Gombo
Trip from Pisa City center to San Rossore Park
Arrival to Centro Visite, welcoming remarks, then little train to Villa del Gombo
Yoga class by Debra Christie
Lecture by Monika Petraite, Daria Podmetina &, Yvonne Kirkels: The “STEAMpreneurs” 2: Il Bello Co-creation and Commercialisation”
Public speaking workshop by Marco Bonaglia & Valentina Cucino – “The art of public speaking. How to talk about art and innovation in public”
Improvisation Workshop by Filippo Chiarello – “Make the creative process fast and Bello”
Dialogue Between Alberto Di Minin and the President of the Park – “Challenges and opportunities in the management of San Rossore Park” with Greetings by Professor Andrea Piccaluga
Light Lunch at Villa del Gombo
Meet the Park – Visit of San Rossore
- Tour from Villa del Gombo to the Gombo beach with tour guide
Short Speech by Grazia Masciandaro “The CNR IRET Experience”
Debriefing Session with the ArtIST Team – “What did the students learn during the day?”
Free Time in Pisa
at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies headquarters (at Aula Magna Storica
Introduction to the topic of the day by ArtIST team
Lecture by Giovanni Schiuma – “The power of arts for developing organizations and innovation processes”
Dialogue between Alberto Di Minin and Luigi Nicolais – “How arts meets technology”
Lecture by Alfonsina Pagano – “Presentation of the COTEC Foundation Annual Report”
Case studies presentation – “How companies connect arts with innovation“
- Marco Cappellini (Centrica)
- Sonia D’Arcangelo (Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center)
Light Lunch at Sant’Anna
Meet the Event – Viareggio Carnival Citadel
- Meeting with the President Marialina Marcucci
- Visit to the Carnival Museum with Alesandra Delle Fave and Andrea Mazzi
- Meeting with the artists
- Visit of the city, Collezione “Carnevalotto” (Piazza Mazzini)
- Free time for visiting the “Lungomare”
Team dinner in Viareggio
at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies headquarters (at Aula Magna Storica)
FINAL EVENT – Group presentation (mixed teams)
- 10 minutes per group
- Questions from the teachers
- Announcement of the winners of “Il Bello” competition
Last Lunch & Goodbye