My new book is now available! Titled “La buona impresa”, it is written together with Valentina Cucino, Luca Ferrucci and Andrea Piccaluga and published by Il Sole 24 Ore.
Our research question is the following: can we contribute to the common good by doing business?
Today, the need to change our economy is expressed by many because of the enormous environmental and social problems we are facing. One of the most accredited theses is that this change can only occur through a collective action. In fact, more and more companies operate with the aim of “improving the world”. In particular, in many startups – even in the awareness of having to achieve an economic-financial balance – there is a strong desire to generate social impact.
Within this volume we decided to focus on this type of business, increasingly widespread in our country and abroad. The stories collected can be an inspiration for many young potential entrepreneurs and has also been used to draw some useful management lessons.
You can order your hard copy or download the ebook version here .